Friday, December 28, 2007

jesht i waas ondering

If i started a sicrit blog* with links to the most badly written posts in the blogosphere [we're talking so bad they're good] would you read it? In my quest to find decent posts to link on dp i have come across many many horrendous posts that also happen to be very amusing, if you have the patience to read them. Now i want to share this misery with the world. Who wants in?

*sicrit with like a password and all so as to prevent blogger suicide.


Bhel Puri & Seekh Kabab said...

Pliss to add me. I's the tanku very much.

Karan said...

I will be the reading ma.

I will also be suggesting two peoples from your blogroll list.

CrazyDiamond said... there some inane amount of sucking up would be easier if I had a goal, cause one thinks there is no free lunch... or rather free blogger suicide...

Anonymous said...

yes yes!
myself pri also :D

Empress said...

Send me also pliss. I'm a lurker on this blog, but I also want to be part of secret club with password.

Anonymous said...

me too please, thanks

Pri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pri said...

empress: hello jee welcome. kindly take yuver seat.

anon & anon: um you need to introduce yourselves first. ok? ok.

crazy diamond: hehe no no we're nice laddat. very kind. we say okay for you.

bhel puri & seekh kabab: okay as long as there's no aloo in your bhel.

karen: that is rude. we heart the people on our blogroll, even if some of them have eloped with certain others.

everyone: email me so i can send you the vip invite.

khal said...

Does disco have no sharam? Why is he still hanging out at the mcc after what happened?

(Wanting to be including, by the way)

Anonymous said...



ok, can I get in too !? please [bitch]

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

How could you forget meeeeeeeeee
unless you've linked one of my posts noww..

i'd still want to read it anyway! mail me mail me mail me

i already conferred upon you my favourite commenter title!

what happened to jaundiced disco?

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

you got any blog wars? i louu those

Pri said...

khal: what is this being you spik off?

once again: uff so much naatak you do. okay okay baba you will get personalised invite in your mail box. ok? ok.

tgfi: satthogbidthu. it went missing after the disaster that was the first test. we do not spik of eet anymore. kindly do not ask anymore coschins.

thank you,

the management.

ggop said...

oh this is going to be goood.
I'm in! Will send you a request.

prasan said...

ok, i am an anonymous impersonator on your blog. can i join the secret club? pleej

Anonymous said...

Nanage swalpa membership kodi! Nane samaja sevaki Lalithamba. Nambi, nambi... please!

Indianoguy said...

sicrit blog* with links to the most badly written posts in the blogosphere
Interesting! Pleasssse link my blog and send me an invite too.

Anonymous said...

introduction..wokay..myself a priya...pri for short. student..avid blog reader but dont blog myself..student...wokay? wokay.

Varun Sharma said...

I have always loved reading your blogs what with your gaysin and aunties. And ur love for boston legal. Am an engineer in namma bengalooru :) Would like to read your sicrit blog. Please do send me the invite. Thnks :)

Anonymous said...

Been an avid lurker on ur blog for a couple of weeks...interesting stuff u got in here :) wud love to get an invite to your sicrit blog ;)
ma gmail - taurusrules

Happy New Years!

ta ta for now.

moody crab said...

me too wants in...

me promises not to commit suicides if me finds my posts in the sicrit blog...

Anonymous said...

pri yu cant forget me- ur ex classmate give perm pronto

The Nomad said...

Me Me Me!

Pri said...

i need email addresses fools if you dont already have it on your blogger profiles.

Anonymous said...

hello!please nanagenu send maaDi invite and all!

Varun Sharma said...

my email id :

rads said...

o boy! What a wicked bunch we are! :D

me too?

Unknown said...

U know the drill..


Anonymous said...

o right! duh@me.

kowthas02 at gmail

rads said...

grrr, that above anon was me!

Just Jane said...

so the whole blogworld is reading this so called sicrit blog? go figure. and yeah, i like to read yr posts top to bottom so i ketchup li'l late la-that, but better than never, no?

Ambar said...

I want lurker pass to sicrit blog!


t said...

Me too!