So i never used to watch 30 Rock. I guess it must have clashed with something on ABC and I'm an ABC girl y'all. I mean i used to be an NBC girl but then NBC started to suck and ABC got fabulous. So i switched. Jeez i move to a new country and in less than 3 years i have already picked out a favourite television network and then i switch it. I also say y'all, jeez and fabulous a lot. Yep its official. I have no mind of my own. The TV runs my life y'all. I am what you would call a television whore. Also a blog whore. Seriously 4 posts in the same day? I need to get a life. As i was saying I've started to watch 30 Rock online [, check it out] and its very very funny. Mostly cause Tina Fey created it. She also stars in it. Very cool show. Especially when its summer and there's nothing to watch on TV except that Pakistani dude on America's got talent, who is beginning to grow on me by the by.
edited 5 minutes later: Did i mention there's a hot Desi boy on the show? He's Alec Baldwin's assistant.
Help! Make it stop!
edited 13 minutes later: Look i even found pictures.
Oh God. Im unhelpable!
i did the tag :) with a twist tho :)
He is a cutie :)
is he alec baldwin's boy toy?, V lets go of the laptop for a moment and I quickly check mail and glimpse at this blog that he had opened. I started reading and this whole weekend was spent in reading all your blogs in the archive. Loads of laughter and loads of Bangalore refreshers! Will be back! :)
@ne: awwwww im glad i could help with the bangalore refreshers. i get really excited too when i find something i can relate to about home. :)
OMG! Is he cute or what!!!
Awww... mushelicious.
@ts: um was that a reaction to the cute boy?
Lookie what I found. You now have a name to stalk :P
Had seen him earlier in Weeds. Watch it... awesome show! :)
hai! aapke moo mein ghee shakkar vodka shodka daal ke.
If he is who I think he is he was in some movie called "The Quarter Life Crisis" - pretty lame but it has Russell Peters and Lisa Ray in it too :P
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