Sunday, May 18, 2008

you can't make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

it could happen only to you.

Anonymous said...

i just lol'ed.

Anonymous said...


khal said...

what's a uchut?

Apple Bee said...


Only you would do justice to such simple pleasures of life ;-)

Anonymous said...

split the words dude...u-chut! :D

Bikerdude said...

Kavita, don't me mean to khal. What did he do to you?

Khal, you don't worry ok? ok.

Bikerdude said...

me= be*

Anonymous said...

@bikerdude: chee chee why all this narad muni job...? :p

@khal: i meant u-c-hut! :D

Anonymous said...


frissko said...

:)'s the mozilla i tell you...explorer always throws up meaningless or harmless word verification words...

Spider42 said...

:D :D
...enough said...

Anonymous said...

This is so funny...

Payal said...

lol!! makes u wonder if the some holed up engineer sneaked that in somehow!

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


. said...

1 in 11881376

White Magpie said...


Anonymous said...

Chi Poli..