Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Brat's new SHINY friend

So my mother [who apparently still thinks I'm twelve] hid my laptop the other day. Yeah you heard me right. She HID it!

I had stayed over at a friend's place the previous evening and i came home mid Sunday afternoon slightly hung over and very sleepy. The first thing i noticed of course was the empty space on the couch that belonged only to my laptop. Mother then informed me that she had taken it [read: kidnapped it and was keeping it hostage until i did whatever she commanded]

According to her I spent too much time on it. Now I'm not contesting that. I do spend ridiculously long hours on it but who under the age of 30 [alright 40! i don't want to piss some readers off] doesn't?
I was miserable without my laptop. I watched TV for a while and took a nap but then i woke up and felt this deep pain inside that wouldn't go away. I was actually looking forward to going to work today just so i could be near a computer. All day i thought of my laptop and i imagined life without it. I couldn't. It was too painful and so i started looking online for a solution, you know... a new laptop! I found lots of solutions. I told Gabby my idea. I told her how mum and dad had paid for my old laptop when i was in college and so technically mum could take it if she wanted.
However If i bought a new one it would be all mine, ALL MINE!

Gabby said: DO IT!
I was like Gabby you're a terrible influence. You're supposed to say "NO. Don't be silly. Just ask her to give it back."
Gabby said: DO IT and FLAUNT IT!!!
I gave up: Fine. I will.
Gabby said: Call the store and ask if they have the one you want.
I told her i already had.

We exchanged evil laughs and i drove to the store right after work.

Of course at the store i ended up picking a different one [read: more expensive one] from the one i had chosen online. But you see it was shiny. I mean like super shiny, like i could see my face in it shiny. It had all the stuff my old computer had plus it had that thingy for when i order cricket online and i can connect my laptop to the big screen TV. Plus it was SHINY! I made up my mind in two minutes. The guy looked shocked but in a good way. "Would you like our geek squad to set it up for you so you can go home plug it in and start using it?"
"Um you can do that?"
"Sure, no problem. It should take about 40 minutes to complete. You can come collect it at 9 just before we close."

I walked out all happy. I realised i had just experienced one of the perks of adulthood..doing whatever the fuck i want to do. Ironically this was probably one of the more childish things I'd done in a while but who gives a shit?

In the forty minutes i needed to kill before collecting my new shiny toy um computer i managed to buy three shirts from Banana Republic. Oops! They're pretty though, and summery and totally essential for work. Ahem!

I got home and like the geek squad promised i was able to plug it in and use it right away. I'm still trying to get over the shinyness as i type.

p.s. My orkut fortune for the day say: You will inherit a large sum of money.
I hope so. It would help pay for my computer!

edited @ 1:02 am: I was not threatened into making the following statement. It was made voluntarily. Ahem i would like to state here that Raobharathrao was the first person i talked to on my new computer and he also very kindly helped me set up what the geek squad forgot to set up. He explained to me what the weird beeping noises were and told me how to get rid of them. He explained to me why gmail kept signing me out and he also reminded me of all the fun things i needed to download to make my new shiny friend feel like my old less shiny friend. Raobharathrao - take a bow. You are truly an extraordinary best Internet friend!


Karan said...

Spoilt NRI kids these days I tell you.

Pri said...

Karen! Did you not read the part where it said i paid for it myself. What would you do if someone took away your coffee machine? or your car? Huh? Huh? And im not an NRI!

Anonymous said...

did u know that karen has 2 mobile phones....?
nri kids i believe

Bikerdude said...

Thank you Medam, for putting me in a special age [square] bracket.

Hello but what was mother's reaction I say?

The Bride said...

Yes what did mom have to say??

Pri said...

um maathashri is still niddrefying ree. it is still night time here. im contemplating not showing her the new laptop although this will make Gabby very very sad. She wanted me to flaunt it.
But what if mother cancels the high speed internet next?

*Gasps in horror at the thought*

Pri said...

um does anyone else think i use way too many exclamation marks in my posts?

The Bride said...

No exclamation marks are good... they indicate an enthusiastic mind (I think)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

kungrats on new laptop! what a liberating feeling that must've been. were the guys at geeksquad cute? the ones in my town were. very.

and i have finally caught you blogwhoring shamelessly on my space. the required action will be taken. hmmmm.

Unknown said...

if u had to marry a real person, or had the chance to marry ur best internet friend, who would u choose and why?

Anonymous said...

@ mangaloree bangaloree

dont u have 2 mobiles too?? i just have 1 priya.

Unknown said...

CONGRATS on ur new laptop. why dont u put up a pic on ur blog of ur old and new laptop, and let us compare the two??

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

what is "niddrefying ree" and what have u done with ur old laptop?

Pri said...

@the bride: really? cause thats the first thing i notice when i read my posts and then im concerned that i sound like a twelve year old.

@tgfi: it did feel good.
And about the shameless blogwhoring i was just trying to provide your readers with a place to go to get over you having abandoned them. They were sad. i was just helping, muahahahahahaha.

@irbaz: omg! stop with the spamming already!
niddrefying = sleeping

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

yes yes wot you did with old laptop? care to give to charity? i stand before you with outstretched hands.

and geeksquad were cute or not you didn't tell only.

Pri said...

okay geeksquad was sad looking. i was hoping for geeky cute but not even that. talking about geeky boys there's one very cute geeky boy with his neat little shirt and tie who comes to use our offices. he kinda looks like ugly betty's boyfriend but gabby has already claimed him so i just get to look.

Anonymous said...
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Jitender Saan said...

So which laptop is it?

Anonymous said...

Oh cool... Congrats on the new Lappie... what do u plan to name him/her?

Anonymous said...

You made your first ever grown up purchase and didn't tell :(
My laptop says Hello to yours anyway!

Pri said...

ooh look its soupie!
u can still talk?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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TS said...


I also want. Right NOW!

TS said...

Oh, and I took the liberty of blogrolling you, without your prior consent.

May I?

(Realisation kicked in after the deed was done, as always)

Anonymous said...
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Pri said...

ts: no consent required. i totally pimped your blog too - see!

Anonymous said...

WTF? Really?

Anonymous said...

U DELETED MY COMMENTS!! im never gonna comment again. nor am my friends alter egos.

Born a Libran said...

Hows ur new toy doing now?