Tuesday, January 12, 2010

lots of exciting things have happened since i last blogged.

i now take vitamins. like every day.

after half a dozen people, no one else at the office has gotten pregnant thank god! this is the best thing that could have happened because seriously i thought we were jinxed.

i have managed to alienate more family members. yay for me!

i have gotten over my obsession with fiesta brand oven roasted cornflakes and now i eat things that are not cornflakes along with things that are.

gay cousin who doesn't know he's gay yet came out. i know! not to me yet though. i'm supposed to pretend i don't know. he came out to my other cousin who was visiting. he just randomly told her on the way back from the airport and she was like what?? apparently he's known for 5 years which is odd because i've known for at least 8. i'm so happy for him though and this means i officially have a gay person in the family which is very exciting.

also american idol is back! yay. also back are the manipulative back stories. just in the first episode they showed us hallelujah girl with the 4 brothers with down syndrome, girl whose favourite grandma has alzheimer's, boy who had cancer and boy who broke both his arms when he fell out of a tree. now for me, hands down, boy who fell out of tree won that round. he had really bad teeth though but i forgave him because i imagine it must be really hard for him to hold a toothbrush. plus he got points for still smiling a lot, and he could sing!

my favourite simon comment from episode 1 - "you sing like a 3 year old girl and you're dressed like latoya jackson with a beard." all true.

happy 2010 everyone. stay happy this year. drink lots of orange juice and bounce a lot.

p.s. the spam comments have gotten ridiculous lately! i think i might have to get word verification. ugh! i know. and i realize sometimes they can be tricky but you can always say pass or something and you get up to five tries i think so you'll be okay. i'm confidant in your abilities to read and understand gibberish.


Chronicus Skepticus said...

Ah! So THAT's where my office caught the pregnancy bug.

Have you noticed how difficult is is to stop yourself from staring at your art director's (or other office person's) baby bump while in conversation with her?

Or is that just (awkward and socially inept) me?

Also, I am sadly the closest thing to gay (I might've kissed a girl once) my family can boast about.

It's tragic, I tell you.

The Double Inverted Commas said...

I so like the way you say 'I have a gay person in my family and I am so excited"...cute :-)

Gradwolf said...

And with that, she returns to form!

. said...

Sophomore slump aaa?

Anonymous said...

I inclination not approve on it. I regard as nice post. Specially the title-deed attracted me to study the whole story.

rads said...

gay cousin who doesn't know he's gay yet came out.


This SHOULD make you blog more. No,seriously!

Narendra shenoy said...

Welcome back! We wuz missin yer. IMHO gay cousin is not sufficiently gay till he can pout. We have one in the family who's taken like 15 years to learn to pout. Only now does everybody love him

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

where u been fool

The Bride said...

I don't know whether I truly hate the back stories. Without them it would be like just watching crazies with the odd stellar performance and kara yacking non-stop. At least, they're so obvious with their manipulation.

PS: Yay for gaysin!

frissko said...

welcome back...fun post this was...and happy new year to you and disco...

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

oh and one way to get around spam is to moderate comments for all older posts. most of the spam comes to the older posts and u can every once in a blue moon login and reject them all at once.

Swaram said...

LOL girl .. like ur casual style of writing :)

DewdropDream said...

Gaysin is out? :D

Woohoo!! Now will you please blog more often ma?!

CrazyDiamond said...

he came out! nice. I've been waiting for that post for a while now.

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